A Man and His Will to Survive

It was a particularly fine night on June 28, 2019 to attend Jon Brion’s monthly show at Largo at the Coronet. The show was opened by actor/comedian Whitmer Thomas. Special guest was bassist Sebastian Steinberg. Highlights of the evening were: a lot of material was played on celesta, including a version of “Eye of the Tiger” that was taken to a higher level of creativity, a groovy cover of “Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing,” crowd singalongs of “Wish You Were Here” and “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road,” and Jon dusting off his unreleased song “She’s At It Again” and getting moody with grungy Gretsch tones.

Festival of Books (or Music)

The scene is not my usual gem box theatre, crowded club, or palatial performance space, but a campus teeming with tents filled with books, publishers, and writers’ organizations. While I’m a dedicated bibliophile and a dabbling writer, the significant part of my focus at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books on Saturday, April 13, 2019 was on music. My favorite thing about the Festival of Books is the readings, conversations, and interviews that are held inside the USC campus buildings, and the free events held on the outdoor stages. I arrived early enough in the morning that some exhibitors

You’re Still My Sugar – Maddie Ross

“You’re Still My Sugar” by Maddie Ross Is this song sweet? Let’s throw it in the mix and see what develops. Today, I’m reviewing a song called “You’re Still My Sugar” by LA-based rocker Maddie Ross, which can be found on her EP Touch Hands, Touch Bodies. I haven’t heard of Maddie Ross before, but in a few days she will be playing a set at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. I’ll be at the festival all day Saturday and her set is one of the final events of the day. I wondered if it might be worth